Have you ever asked yourself?
Does this sound like you?
If so, I think you should keep reading ….
What if you could understand your emotions more, learn to prioritize your self-care and your relationship with food looked more like this
Eat when you're hungry and know you can stop when you are satisfied
Have the free choice to eat the foods that you want to eat with no guilt or shame
Free your mind of food thoughts and enjoy your time with family and friends instead
Understand and accept your emotions and what they are trying to tell you
Respond to stress and other underlying emotions and reprogram your mind in new ways with a toolbox of resources you have gained
Have more compassion for yourself and prioritize the needs of your mind and body without feeling selfish
Go out for dinner spontaneously on a weekday without anxiety and the need to look for the low-calorie options
Be present with your family and friends and experience more joy and pleasure in the simple things
Feel calm and at peace knowing that you are free to live more fully with less judgment and more self-acceptance
You do NOT need more WILLPOWER!

Have you ever felt like this?
- You try to control your appetite and cravings but you feel like it actually gets worse
- You literally can’t stop thinking about food, and your biggest fear is getting bigger. You can’t keep living like this but don’t know what else to do. It is so defeating
- You envy those around you who can eat like “normal” people. You discipline yourself but eventually don't care anymore…before you know it you are hiding in the pantry eating the chocolate chips that were supposed to be for baking
- All of this stress builds to the point that you are so just stuck in your head and overwhelmed that you start taking it out on others, now dishing up another serving of guilt and shame for yourself

Hi! I'm Kim
I started dieting at 12 years old, and it took three decades for me to know that my life was deserving of so much more. I learned that the feelings I had about my body and food had nothing to do with me but what I was taught to feel about my body
There was never anything wrong with me, but it was my responsibility to learn how to feel better in my body and change the way I spoke to myself and address my mindset.
You are not alone. Read that again… You are not the only person feeling like this. This was the battle I fought for years and silently struggled with, and it was making me sick and negatively impacting my most meaningful relationships
If you are tired of yo-yo dieting, want to have a healthy relationship with food and take better care of yourself …
Food Freedom Foundations IS for YOU!
You will learn how to nourish your body in a balanced way without following meal plans, measuring your food and sacrificing pleasure and enjoyment at the table
Food Freedom Foundations will create space in your mind to dream and live a more happy life, free from food and body worries and where taking care of yourself happens, unapologetically
Say goodbye to stress and overwhelm and welcome in peace and trust with your body

She takes you through the steps to understanding diet culture and preconceived notions around food. Each class is filled with tools that can be used to help you deal with your own personal attitude toward food. Kim is able to really listen and sometimes read between the lines. She helps you navigate through your own personal issues around food. I felt supported by her and our private group. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is dealing with emotional or physical fatigue around the subject of food.

I came into this with many concerns about it being in a group setting. It was a nonjudgmental space and everyone opened up. I learned so much from Kim & we all supported each other as well!
I am not the same person anymore, my outlook has changed. I have no regrets investing in this.

I loved this course! It was the perfect blend of lots of useful tools and content, as well as a safe nurturing space to share and feel seen as I continue on my healing journey! Kim is very gifted, real, inspiring and knowledgeable, with a heart of gold. Her enthusiasm, presence, compassion, and energy make this course both joyful and transformative. I'm so grateful I invested in myself 💜
What's Included
Every module has a lesson that will guide you to shift your mindset around food. Because knowledge is power, and now is the time to begin loving yourself for who you are, and not based on industry manipulation.
What’s Diet Culture Got To Do With It?
Learn the truths and misconceptions about the dieting industry. Learn about Intuitive Eating and assess your current relationship with food and what you want it to look/feel like instead
Unconditional Permission to…EAT
Why releasing the rules around your food choices is the answer to the peace and ease you are deserving of. Learn steps you can start to take right away to feel more in control and honour your body’s needs
Releasing the guilt and shame…
Deepen your mind-body connection, access more truth and awareness, and release yourself from the guilt regarding your food relationship
Make Peace With Food
Reintroduce forbidden foods back into your life in a way that feels doable and non-threatening for you. It’s time to invite in freedom to choose
What Are You Hungry For? Addressing Emotional Needs
Do you ever wonder why you are eating when you know you are not really hungry? This module will cover just that and help you address areas in your life that are seeking more balance
Feelings - Learning How To Be With Them
Your emotions and the role they play in your life. This module will help you understand your emotions and have you dive deeper into your emotional triggers
Learning To Soothe Without Food
Let’s build your emotional toolbox. This module will equip you with skills and powerful questions to ask yourself next time you want to eat and you are not hungry.
Slow Down and Savor –It’s Time To Nourish
Do you identify as a fast or distracted eater? Learn why slow eating and mindful eating will help you feel more nourished, energized and optimal in your body and throughout your day
All Food Groups and Nutrients Are Important
Macronutrients. What are carbohydrates, proteins and fats? An intro to their role in the body and where to find them in our foods.
Look How Far You’ve Come
You made it! Its time to recap all you have learned and how far you have come. Time to celebrate YOU and your accomplishments.
Are you ready to take action?
Schedule a complimentary call, to see if this program is right for you!
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